About us

SOAR started in 1996 when God laid it on Keith’s heart to go out into the surrounding area as an evangelist. Keith was convinced that one of the best ways of reaching out to any community is to work in the schools and felt that God was giving him the vision and the heart to help enable churches to engage with their local schools.

In most communities, it is the school that it often the centre of an estate, village, or neighbourhood. So if we are prepared to ‘go’ to these places, we can be salt and light in the school and it’s community. We can build real, genuine relationships with the local people – loving relationships filled with the love of Christ, which will have a lasting impact on them, whether or not the person ever responds to the gospel.

Keith Munro

Keith set up SOAR in 1996 in response to a vision from God to reach unchurched people in the North Leicestershire area. As an evangelist, he felt called to provide a resource to help build up local churches in their mission, and God had laid it on his heart that working in schools should be a major part of this work.

Today, Keith still works in local schools as well heading up Loughborough Town Chaplaincy, meeting up with smaller discipleship groups and serving on the exec of Loughborough Churches Partnership to facilitate mission and see people's lives transformed by the love of Christ.

Keith is originally from North-West London but has lived in Loughborough for over 30 years. He is married to Denise, has three grown-up children and is an elder at The Well Church, Loughborough.

Chris Lewney

Chris’ passion is to see children, young people and families transformed by the good news of Jesus. Working in partnership with the local church, his burden is to see a generation of radical disciples of Jesus raised up who will transform the world around them.

Chris helps coordinate Town-Wide Youth work as well as providing support and connection for local youth leaders, working in schools and serving on the exec for Loughborough Churches Partnership.

Chris moved to Loughborough in 2008 to study for a degree in ‘Youth and Community Work and Applied Theology’. After graduating he began work as a youth worker for Elim Church Loughborough and the SOAR project, moving to full-time with SOAR in 2021. He is married to Emma and they have two young children.

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